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[ Louroujina Village (English version only) ]

26. A view of a part of Gremmo region (Günay's)

27. You are about to enter Louroujina (Günay's)

28. ...and you are in Louroujina (Günay's)

29. Does anybody know anything about this picture?

30. A beautiful view

31. Two young Cypriots: A Cypriot Greek from Nisu and a Cypriot Turk from Louroujina.

32. Huseyin Gutsugudi's Coffee Shop

33. First Village Dispensary

34. Fancy a piece of delicious earth oven cooked 'kebab'?

35. Take a view of some of the village coffee shops.

36. Meet Yusuf Osman Gatsura who used to make village type brooms.

37. An early summer morning in Louroujina