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[ Louroujina Village (English version only) ]

These pages are dedicated to the village of Louroujina (In 1950s the name Lurucina was changed to Akıncılar)

This is an ongoing project about Louroujina (Also spelled as Louroudjina or Louroudzina). I believe that our cultural heritage is invaluable and must be known by all of us, old and young alike. I hope that Louroujina Home Page will gradually grow to include our village history, our customs, our past and present activities, clubs, societies, business activities, personalities, photographs and any other aspect or material which is about Louroujina. Therefore I am kindly inviting all those from Louroujina and others who would like to contribute to this home page by providing me with any material they think is suitable to be included in these pages.

This project can only be realized by collective work. If you wish to be a part of this project and have any innovative ideas, comments, please send your e-mail to: Soner Arifler

Left: Louroujina Village Mosque and its minaret. To the left of the minaret: Louroujina village church, St.Andronicos with its bell tower. Unfortunately this church was demolished during intercommunal clashes between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots in 1950s. Please click on the picture for a larger scale view. 

The village mosque with its minaret and the village church were a minute walk away from one another. Click here for a closer  view of The Church of St.Andronicos.


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[ Louroujina Village (English version only) ]
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